So you can just post screen captures & ask how to make whatever looks wrong look right. The forum has a bunch of folks who know the Score Editor very well. However I did learn something from it - an easier way to open the Score Settings than from the menus like I’ve been doing. Ignore the speculation at the start about the editor’s future. I want to keep the two audio track drum loops already in place on track four and five there. I watched the Groove 3 video and all the info in it is fine, but it is very much a quick overview. Creating a VSTi - Instructor Let's get started by adding a VSTi to our project. But they are actually highly specialized graphics editors - arguably having more in common with Photoshop than a DAW. In general folks tend to think of the Score Editor, Dorico, Finale etc. But the Score Ed has another function Display Quantize that will ‘Quantize’ the visual representation of the Notes but not change the actual timing of the MIDI Notes you played. The major downside of this is that you loose all the timing nuance in the actual performance. The first (and least attractive) is to simply Quantize your MIDI. Yeah, the Score Ed can be quite literal when it looks at MIDI timing data. YouTube is a mine of information on Cubase, which can make it difficult to find what you are looking for. I am an accurate player but not a machine (by any stretch) and am constantly frustrated by the way Cubase interprets my playing. Cubase Video Tutorials on YouTube curated by Ted Springman About. However I will persist and may end up making a video of my findings one day! So as said, quite basic in the scheme of things, but there are so many moving parts in this bohemoth of a system that I constantly find myself disappearing down rabbit holes as I try to learn. If I could play some of the scores it has created I would be a genius! I am an accurate player but not a machine (by any stretch) and am constantly frustrated by the way Cubase interprets my playing. I use an RD-800 and have some decent recording gear, but the Cubase scoring is proving to be a very steep learning curve. using Cubase 12 Pro, eventually producing some videos of the performances. I’m hoping to record her singing while I accompany (recorded into MIDI) and to produce decent scores of my own - sometimes with embellishments, key changes etc. Note - I have some idea about the time warp tool, so that’s a start! While accompanying, I adapt my playing to her style and am always varying from the music and we use rubato, embellishments and sometimes complex timing - eg. Sure - my needs are pretty basic at this stage but no doubt it will evolve.įor now however, my daughter is studying singing and she has many songs which we perform together, me on piano.